Cars Line Up at UAF Sign as Temperatures Plummet

By Zeke Shomler

Hoping to get a photo in front of the iconic UAF temperature sign the next time it drops below -40°F? You might have to prepare yourself for a bit of a wait.

The UAF sign at the corner of Farmers Loop and Alumni Drive has become infamous over the years as a photo destination for thrill-seekers, most frequently involving stripping down to a swimsuit or underwear when the sign reads a temperature at or below -40 degrees. 

During this most recent cold snap, with several days reaching desired photo-op temperatures, Fairbanks was ready and waiting. At moments when the time is right for a photo, these last few days have frequently brought as many as ten or more cars to the corner at once. Idling and waiting their turn for a photo shoot, they take over the right-turn lane on Farmers Loop up to the sign and beyond (while still, thankfully, leaving enough room for others to drive past). 

Tourists and non-tourists alike are flocking to the sign to get their photo taken. One Fairbanks resident even revealed a pregnant belly in front of the sign showing -43°F, involving her unborn child in the photoshoot as part of the fun. One Facebook commenter wrote, “Your kid will love this picture later in life.”

With lines leading to waits up to as much as half an hour for a photo, some have opted to get their photo taken at the Denali State Bank sign down on Chena Pump Road instead. It clearly displays the temperature, but perhaps doesn’t make for quite as iconic a photo as the UAF sign. 

While much of the cold snap seems to be behind us, and -40 temps showing up during only a few nights of the forecast, the sign-photo craze doesn’t seem to be dying down anytime soon. So next time you want an iconic photo at the sign, make sure you’re prepared to queue up for it!


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